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Trade passive crypto like the professionals !

Until relatively recently the scale and resource of institutional investors has meant that they have had the upper hand in investing in the markets. However, the fintech industry especially in crypto has emerged to offer better and more technological advanced offering.

Neomony ( offers a platform, diversification, and the ability to access crypto strategies that would be out of the reach to most private investors.

Fintech has the means to advance financial inclusion by providing customers with fast, convenient, and affordable ways to use the financial services that would have been up until very recently solely accessible by larger institutional investors.

Financial services tools that were the domain of large institutions are now becoming accessible to all providing more decision power and lower cost while also educating the investor base.

Neomony is at the forefront of this revolution looking to empower individuals at all levels by providing access to strategies and education without the need of being locked into expensive contracts.

It is Neomony’s mission to provide education and financial inclusion to those who for too long have not had their own voice having to either forgo access to strategies and returns that institutions have enjoyed or be hostage to the high costs structures and fees that would be associated with these products.

Technology developments have allowed strong improvement of all the financial sector value chain. These technologies have enabled Neomony to create new quality financial products in an agile way. The rise of open-source and cloud enabled innovation quickly and inexpensively. These high technologies have become accessible, machines have computing power phenomenal. All these technological revolutions have led to the spectacular emergence of fintech with savings being passed on the end user. Data is key for a fintech. They consume it and produce it at the same time; we are talking here of course about big data.

Neomony’s power within this technology is to put it at the service financial inclusion.

Since a fintech is required to manipulate a large mass of structured data, Neomony as equiped itself with storage infrastructure and systems allowing the processing of this data for the collect, process and then analyse them.

For some background on Neomony it’s based in Agadir Morocco. The home nation of its co-founders. Who spent their careers to date away building successful careers for themselves in the financial centres of the world mainly due to the lack of opportunity in their homeland. They specialize in the development of applications for financial markets. The co-founders not only want to empower investors but also help create a centre of expertise in fintech in their home country. They knew that the region has a pool of amazing talent and so wanted to not only empower investors but also this underutilised pool of talent. Neomony as the same mission, the same vision for the under-utilised talent pool of Morocco as for retail and small institutional investors – to give them more choice, education, and empowerment. For this, Neomony operate at several levels, starting with education. In fact, investing in financial markets requires a certain familiarity with the actors and investment techniques. They have developed educational applications that allow students to learn and simulate the behaviour steps.

The aim is also to raise awareness of the importance of saving and learn the notions of diversification.

Then there are the trading tools. It is quite complicated as an individual to set up a solid infrastructure to manage its portfolio. Often such tools are the prerogative of institutions. At Neomony, we have developed these tools and offering modules that allow quick test hypotheses, to lighten them of the heaviness of the data processing and coding some bricks. Finally, for the Data, we have developed interfaces for application programming (API) for access historical data from financial markets in a standardized way. The implementation of this solution will allow the emergence of other fintech’s who will be able to rely on easy accessibility of data to enter in this market. Our goal is therefore contributing to better inclusion financial

Then there are the trading tools. It’s complicated for an individual to set up a solid infrastructure to manage its portfolio. Often such tools are the privilege of institutions. At Neomony, they have developed applications but are accessible to everyone. There tools are for both retail and financial institutions offering them personalized modules that allow them to quickly test hypotheses, to lighten them of the heaviness of the data processing and coding some bricks. Finally, for the Data, we have developed interfaces for application programming (API) for access historical data from financial markets in a standardized way. The implementation of this solution will allow the emergence of other fintech’s who will be able to rely on easy accessibility of data to enter in this market. Their goal is therefore contributing to better inclusion financial.

There are no code-based requirements everything is point and click. The good people at Neomony have spent a long time developing an easy-to-use platform with a range of passive risk adjusted strategies trading on multiple exchanges. These strategies through careful diversification reduce your risk. Without the time, effort, technological know-how and financial ability it would be very difficult to achieve this on your own. One the same platform if you wish you can also trade single name crypto instruments so keeping all these strategies and exchanges are also being added to and are explained in a way that anyone can understand out lining how the strategies have been put together along with all the risks associated with them. Indeed, transparency is a major part of what Neomony stand for. There are free as well as pay for strategies. After all this is investing in potentially highly volatile instruments and they want you to understand what this means and not to just blindly buy a product hoping for the best as many other platforms would like you to do.

The disclaimer, this article is only for educational purposes and for you to understand the Neomony platform and the options available within. Remember that you are competing with other trading bots out there.

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